We are glad you asked! Food safety rules and documentation are a common concern among #FoodBusinesses. #FoodSafetyPlan - what is it & how to get it? 🤔 The next thing you need is to determine how to remind #FoodHandlers regarding the maximum shelf life of vacuum-sealed foods once they are stored in the fridge or freezer.Äownload the FREE chart 👉 #foodsafetyposter #foodsafetytemplate

To help your employees, provide them with a Vacuum sealed food shelf life chart as a reference for correct use-by-date labeling. ✅ How can you help your team ensure correct vacuum sealing? Vacuum sealing does not remove potentially harmful bacteria in food therefore, vacuum-sealed foods can only stay at room temperature for a maximum of 2 hours. ✅ How long does vacuum sealed food last at room temperature? On the other hand, refrigerated vacuum-sealed products can last up to 1 to 2 weeks. A vacuum-sealed product under freezing conditions can last up to 5-6 months or even 1-2 years, depending on your freezer capacity. The expected shelf life of vacuum-sealed food will depend on the nature of the food product and food storage temperature. ✅ How long can you keep vacuum-sealed food? The length of shelf life may vary depending on the type of food, packaging used, and the final storage conditions.

On average, vacuum sealing extends the shelf life of fresh food up to 3 to 5 times longer than a regular storage container. 🧀 In the case of unpasteurized fermented products such as soft cheeses, mold production to unsafe levels can significantly increase under vacuum conditions. However, they can be vacuum-packed once blanched and/or augmented with oxygen absorbers for #FoodStorage.

Once the gas is produced, this will jeopardize the integrity of the plastic container or #VacuumPackaging. 🥦 Some foods, such as broccoli and foods under the same family (Cruciferae or Brassicaceae), naturally produce gas. Did you know that there are foods that you cannot #VacuumSeal? 😳